Monday, December 15, 2014

The Neighbors are Moving!

Dec. 15, 2014

I knew that the neighbors were moving. What I didn't realize is just how much they were moving...

In reality, this event happened last year, and I believe (although I can't confirm it) that the First Darned Baptist Church (bless 'em, they're actually good folks, I just call 'em "darned Baptists") bought the property and sold the house off. I didn't talk to anyone to find out where it was going. Just watching the entire process was quite interesting. If I recall, it took the better part of two weeks to prep the house for moving and finally get it rolling..

What will happen to the lot? Church parking lot, I'd be willing to wager. Another lot at the end of the block was also leveled that year, but the house went down instead of moving. No parking expansion in evidence yet, but I'm expecting that lot by lot, my home is going to be completely surrounded eventually by parking, and my Sunday mornings will be a cacophony of slamming car doors and the happy chatter of Baptists heading to church.

My landlord and landlady bought their house many years ago in Foat Wuth, and moved it some 30-odd miles to its present location. I think I recall the landlord telling me that the move mostly went smoothly, although they hit a minor bottleneck at one point.

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