This blog is my very first blog.
Several questions immediately present themselves: What is a "blog"? What does it mean to blog? What is the blogger's correct relationship to his online social sphere? And to society at large? And lastly, why the hell do I ask all these questions?
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In order to start things out on a positive note, I hereby proclaim to all and sundry that I will strive to maintain an atmosphere of unpredictability and paradoxically reverent irreverence on this blog at all times. So help me. And for those whom I might offend, I offer this form(al) apology in advance:
(Formal Apology courtesy of Bureau of Communication. Check out their site...they offer a book chock full of these humorous forms. It's howlingly funny, especially if you're the type of person who might actually send one of these. I know that I am! And I'll bet you never even realized there was such a thing as Form Satire, did you?)